Russiske styrker angreb Ukraine
gange i går.
I dag kl 17.00 København Kristianiagade 4, 2100 København Ø
Sidst jeg stod der var en 23. februar sammen med tjetjeeren Isa Munajev som faldt ved Debaltseve 1. februar 2015
I dag kl 17.00 København Kristianiagade 4, 2100 København Ø
Sidst jeg stod der var en 23. februar sammen med tjetjeeren Isa Munajev som faldt ved Debaltseve 1. februar 2015
news er et nyt skoleskyderi.
er ganske forfærdeligt, og jeg håber, et amerikansk ungdomsoprør
får stoppet den nemme adgang til skydevåben.
skoleskyderier, der slet ikke skaber overskrifter eller breaking news
i danske medier:
17. maj blev skole nr. 11 i Svitlodarsk Ukraine ramt af russiske
granater. Heldigvis blev kun én såret, en forælder tæt på
skolen. 60 vinduer blev blæst ud. Fra den 11. til den 16. maj blev
tre andre skoler omkring frontlinjen ramt af skud og/eller granater.
statistik: Siden januar '17 er 48 uddannelsessteder blevet ramt, og
siden krigen startede i 2014 er mere end 740 uddannelsessteder ramt.
(Ifølge UNICEF, Ukraine).
et par mneder siden blev en 13-årig dreng og hans far dræbt ved et
direkte raket/granat angreb på en beboelsesejendom i Troitske på
den ukrainske side af frontlinjen, moderen døde senere på
over en måned stod alt i fodboldens tegn, alt blev sat ind på at få
det store show til at fungere, mens russiske granater faldt over
Lereng Wilmonts film ”The Distant Barking of Dogs” burde være
vist som optakt på begge de danske public service kanaler. En
rørende poetisk film om at være barn i krigsområdet i Ukraine.
er krig i Europa, over 10.300 ukrainere er dræbt siden 2014.
sport og politik må ikke blandes sammen, så vi jublede over de
rød/hvide farver i Putins Rusland.
Der er børn som må
leve med granatnedslag
mens vi
ser fodbold
Russia attacked Ukraine 7 times yesterday.
Today in Copenhagen Kristianiagade 4, 2100 København Ø kl. 17.00
Last time I stood in front of the Russian Embassy was a 23rd February together with the Chechen hero Isa Munajev who was killed in the Battle of Debaltseve on 1 February 2015
Breaking news is a new school shooting.
It is quite terrible and I hope that a US youth revolt will stop the easy access to firearms.
Other school shootings, that do not create headlines or breaking news in Danish media:
On May 17, school No. 11 in Svitlodar Ukraine was hit by Russian grenades. Fortunately, only one wounded one parent near the school. 60 windows were blown out. From 11 to 16 May, three other schools around the front line were hit by shots and / or grenades.
A little statistics: Since January 17, 48 training sites have been hit and since the war started in 2014, more than 740 places of education have been hit. (According to UNICEF, Ukraine).
A few months ago a 13-year-old boy and his father were killed by a direct rocket / grenade attack on a residential property in Troitske on the Ukrainian side of the front line, the mother later died in the hospital.
For over a month, everything was in the football sign, everything was set to make the big show work, while Russian grenades fell over Ukraine.
Simon Lereng Wilmonts film "The Distant Barking of Dogs" should have be shown as an act of both Danish public service channels. A touching poetic film about being a child in the war zone in Ukraine.
There is a war in Europe, over 10,300 Ukrainians have been killed since 2014.
But sport and politics must not be mixed together, so we cheered over the red and white colors in Putin's Russia.
there are children who have to
live with grenade attacks
while we remain silent
Breaking news is a new school shooting.
It is quite terrible and I hope that a US youth revolt will stop the easy access to firearms.
Other school shootings, that do not create headlines or breaking news in Danish media:
On May 17, school No. 11 in Svitlodar Ukraine was hit by Russian grenades. Fortunately, only one wounded one parent near the school. 60 windows were blown out. From 11 to 16 May, three other schools around the front line were hit by shots and / or grenades.
A little statistics: Since January 17, 48 training sites have been hit and since the war started in 2014, more than 740 places of education have been hit. (According to UNICEF, Ukraine).
A few months ago a 13-year-old boy and his father were killed by a direct rocket / grenade attack on a residential property in Troitske on the Ukrainian side of the front line, the mother later died in the hospital.
For over a month, everything was in the football sign, everything was set to make the big show work, while Russian grenades fell over Ukraine.
Simon Lereng Wilmonts film "The Distant Barking of Dogs" should have be shown as an act of both Danish public service channels. A touching poetic film about being a child in the war zone in Ukraine.
There is a war in Europe, over 10,300 Ukrainians have been killed since 2014.
But sport and politics must not be mixed together, so we cheered over the red and white colors in Putin's Russia.
there are children who have to
live with grenade attacks
while we remain silent
(thanks Euromaidanpress,
@loogunda, Unian, @mhmck, Alex King, Flensborg Avis,
English: Astrid Bjerregaard
Ukrainian and Russian: Johannes Wamberg Andersen/ Svitlana Zymnia)
English: Astrid Bjerregaard
Ukrainian and Russian: Johannes Wamberg Andersen/ Svitlana Zymnia)
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